Monday, July 1, 2019

How To Make Money From Your Hobbies

If you are like millions of people, you work hard to support your hobbies. Here are a few ways to make your hobbies work for you. There are thousands of ways to earn extra money from hobbies.

1) Write About Your Hobby - Most hobbies are subjects for books, magazines, websites, and blogs. In addition, hobbies are fair game for articles on websites like Associated Content. Long, long, ago in a galaxy not so far away, I was a Dungeons & Dragons devotee. O.K., I was a geek. I sold my first magazine article to Dragon Magazine. I was happy to get a little extra money and to be published. When I took up amateur astronomy, I was able to subsidize the cost of much of my equipment by writing equipment reviews and other articles. One computer gaming afficianado that I know was able to earn money by writing for a massive multi-player online roleplaying game.

2) Provide a Service Related To Your Hobby - Several artist friends who shared the fantasy roleplaying game hobby made money by developing character sketches and painting the miniature figurines that many players used in the games. Some model railroading enthusiasts provide similar services like making parts of model railroad dioramas like trees, houses, or even electrical components. The extra money earned from these activities provided fun money for more hobby purchases.

3) Sell Equipment Related To Your Hobby - If your hobby requires specialized equipment, you may be a business license away from a lucrative side business. When I played paintball, I knew a few players who made the leap into selling paintball gear. Many a baseball card or comic book collector has made the leap into running an ebay business or a brick-n-mortar store dedicated to their hobby. If you have a compelling vision, you can move from making extra money into an extraordinary opportunity.

4) Get A Full or Part-Time Job Related To Your Hobby - If business ownership is not for you, you could always seek out a job-related to your hobby. Your expertise could come in handy in a sportings goods section, a bait shop, a hobby shop, or at a paintball field. Paintball enthusiasts often make extra money by working at field concession stands, maintaining rental equipment, or running games as a referee. Boaters can earn extra money by working at boating supply stores or marinas. Scuba divers can become divemasters and work on a dive boat.

5) Organize Events Related To Your Hobby - If you can bring people together for events-related to your hobby, you might be able to launch a money-making venture putting together conventions, tournaments, expositions, group outings, tours, or classes related. In cubicles all across the land, thousands of people are dreaming of a new life as a hunting or fishing guide. The dream starts with the single step of earning extra money from organizing an event.

The list of money-making activities related to hobbies is endless. The only boundaries are set by your imagination, capital, and business acumen. Of course, one danger in hobby-related business ventures is that your hobby passion can override your business sense. But, if you can generate revenue from a hobby, you will have a extra money and a way to become more involved in your pastime. Your family will also see your hobby as an extra income source rather than a financial drain. You may even find yourself encouraged to spend extra time on your money-making hobbies.

(This article is a republication of an article that I originally published on the Yahoo Creators Network / Associated Content).

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