Sunday, November 2, 2014

Poor? It's Not Always You. You need to vote!

In America, we have a long tradition of blaming poor people for being poor.  Some of it is justified.  If you don't have a strong work ethic or you messed up in school, a lot of that is on you.  It's something that you can change and improve.

However, you didn't make the choice to outsource manufacturing, technical, and call center jobs to India.  You didn't make the choice to lower tariffs on imported goods and allow them to undercut American-made products.  You didn't make the choice for our nation to have insecure borders and allow hordes of desperately poor people from less developed countries to flood our labor markets.  You also didn't make the choice to allow companies to import massive numbers of H1B workers so that they could take good middle class jobs and do them for less in a manner that erodes the pillars of the American middle class.

But, you do have a choice to change all of that.  Both political parties have fueled the problem.  But, if you are flat broke now, you need to make sure you contact your political leaders and you need to make sure that you vote in every election!

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